TDI Sidemount, Cavern & Intro to Cave Course

TDI Sidemount, Cavern & Intro to Cave

Price: $40000 mxn
DURATION: 8 days

This Combo combines TDI courses needed to become a Cave Diver. You will need a minimum of 40 dives and Advanced Certifications to start this course.

The TDI Cavern Course is designed for anyone who is seeking an adventure and wishing to explore overhead environments. This course can be taught in conjunction with the TDI Sidemount Course.

The TDI Intro to Cave courses will provide you with an introduction to the basic principles of cave diving utilizing a single primary guideline. It builds on everything learned during the TDI Cavern Course; the course does not train divers for all facets of cave diving. It primarily focuses on the perfection of skills and additional techniques and procedures required for elementary cave dives.


Technical Diving International (TDI) claims to be the largest technical diving certification agency in the world, and one of the first agencies to offer mixed gas and rebreather training. TDI specializes in more advanced Scuba diving techniques, particularly diving with rebreathers and the use of breathing gases such as trimix and heliox.

TDI provides courses and certification for divers and for instructors.

Any extra days of training will be charged at $5000 mxn per day.


Transport from dive shop to dive site

TDI E-Learning

Equipment rental
