PADI Mermaid Instructor Course

PADI Mermaid Instructor Course

Price: $18000 mxn
DURATION: 4 days

The PADI Mermaid Instructor program is a comprehensive training course designed to prepare individuals to become certified instructors for the PADI Mermaid program. 


Here are some key highlights of the program.

Teaching Skills Development: The primary goal of the program is to develop teaching skills in potential instructors. Candidates learn how to conduct the PADI Mermaid program in accordance with PADI Standards. This includes instruction on how to use a student-centered learning approach, which is a teaching method that focuses on the needs and progress of the individual student.

Refinement of Personal Mermaid Skills: In addition to teaching skills, the program also aims to refine the personal mermaid skills of instructor candidates. This is important because instructors should not only be able to teach mermaiding techniques but also demonstrate them effectively.
Role-Play and Skill Improvement: Role-play is used as a teaching tool during the program. Candidates engage in role-playing exercises to simulate teaching scenarios. This helps them practice their teaching techniques and improve their ability to demonstrate skills.

Teaching All Levels: Successful completion of the PADI Mermaid Instructor program enables instructors to teach all levels of the PADI Mermaid program. This suggests that the program covers both basic and advanced mermaid skills, allowing instructors to provide comprehensive training to their students.

Business Opportunities: The program highlights the potential for individuals to take their mermaid-related business to the next level. After becoming certified instructors, they may have the opportunity to offer PADI Mermaid courses, which can be a valuable addition to dive shops, resorts, and other aquatic businesses.

Overall, the PADI Mermaid Instructor program is designed to equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to become effective instructors in the world of mermaiding. It not only focuses on teaching techniques but also emphasizes personal skill development and adherence to PADI Standards. This can help ensure that mermaid instructors are well-prepared to provide quality instruction and guidance to their students.

What’s included

Transport from dive shop to dive site

All entrance fees to each dive site

PADI Mermaid Course

Equipment rental

PADI E-Learning

Delicious lunch
